
This section is all about the various tech I use!


My main computer is a Custom PC, that I had someone else make, because I was nervous af. I recieved my computer on 19th May, 2022 and since then, it has been serving me well. I haven't done any significant hardware upgrades, but I did have to change my failing PSU recently (still don't know why the previous one decided to fail lol) and added 2 fans for a better look.

Now there are some mods that I have done. These include:


Operating System
I use Arch Linux, which is a simple, minimal GNU/Linux distribution.

I use the 'Alacritty' terminal. It's simple, fast, and gets the job done.

I have recently started to use the 'zsh' shell. And to be honest, I can't tell much of a difference from bash, other than the fact that it is extremely easy and intuitive to clear your history.

Desktop Enviornmnet/Window Manager
I am currently using Hyprland. It is a wayland based window manager and it has all the eye candy and features you would want, whilst being extremely lightweight.

Code Editor
I rarely code. But when I do, I use Vim. Vim is perfect for a beginner programmer like me, who doesn't need all the features that Vim has to offer. And so I don't really need to learn anything about it. Meaning the hard part is out of the way. AND I get to have insane bragging rights, whilst not even knowing the basics >.<
Though I do plan on learning it someday, just not now...

Web browser
I use Firefox with uBlock Origin and mtab. Nothing fancy. Now, I have tried to give terminal browsers a shot, but I quickly realised that they are not for me, yet.

File Manager
I mainly use 'Nemo'. But for some reason when I double click a compressed file, 'Gnome Files' opens and extracts it by itself. I still don't know why that is, but I am okay with that.
Or maybe not completely okay as for some reason, the Gnome Files app won't follow my system gtk and/or qt theme :(
Apart from these, I also sometimes use 'lf', which is terminal based. I use it when I am in a terminal, and am feeling too lazy to hit a shortcut on my keyboard.

Media Player
I use either VLC or MPV. For me, VLC is going into a text file using your faviorite text editor, as you get a lot of functionality. On the other hand, MPV is like the cat command to have a quick glance at a file lol.

My desktop rice(s)
Sadly I don't have any pictures of the rices I used to rock earlier. But here is my current rice. The only thing different in the following pictures is the wallpaper.
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